The Race for work


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Announcing my book, The Race for Work

I’m so excited to finally be able to release this post. This Thursday, 1st December, my brand new book The Race for Work is getting published on Amazon world wide.

I’ve been working on this for the past 2 years and I’m finally going to be able to put it in your hands.

Also, as a celebration, I have a ton of cool stuff I’m doing for you leading up to its release. I am sure it’s genuinely interesting and valuable for you.

The Race for Work

For now, I’m just going to share this cover and comments from some of the early readers who shared their feedback:

Really loved reading. The content was to the point and the phases covered are the ones which are true and reality. – Ankit Jain, CEO of Lume Solar Energy

Very thoughtfully written book with insightful contents on how one has to prepare, to stay agile and move up in the value chain; gives a refreshing hope to many who felt that the new technologies have shortened their career. – Ebby Thomas, Business Head, DeviceCommcepts

This is a very useful book and coming at the right time. – Prof Sridhar Narayanan, Great Lakes Institute of Management, India.

Bhoopathi has done a great job. The subject is very timely. I have many friends that lately are discussing exactly this. – Georgios Papadakis, CEO at Filisia Interfaces

And here is a book trailer I got it done.


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Available in ebook, print and audiobook

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